playing reporter

Well, I've been out in field this last week, back for a quick night to sleep in my own bed.

I've been out in the field playing a reporter for Al Jazeera in the field as part of training for the Soldiers in our unit. I've been a real pain i'm sure, but for good reason.

The first day didn't go so well. I got pushed around a lot and more hands in my camera than I care to mention. And I got a lot of people to say things they shouldn't. I might just have a future in becoming a papparazzi...hehe.

So i've been sleeping out with the bugs, boars, someone said they saw a gator. I've been sleeping in this mock village, which has electricity, thank god. I read a book and started on a second during the week.

Things I miss the most when being out in the field are AC and showers.

Sleeping arrangement wasn't great. I've been sleeping ontop a desk. While I've been in the army I've slept in the most interesting places. Places you'd never think of sleeping.

Let see, I've slept on a ....(Desk, Humvee hood, back of a humvee, backseat of a humvee, in the back of a duce and half (Truck), in a desert with no cover, and well that is all I can think of.

So why am I sleeping on the desk? Well, there were a lot of spider webs in this shack, and well, I just prefer remain off the floor...who knows what critters are there. I put my sleeping bag on top it, so it helps a little. The desk is kind of short, so my legs hang over. It really sounds silly when I think about it.


Yafro Moblog