weekend in houston
So I've seen a lot of movies this weekend. I saw Little Miss Sunshine today, which I absolutely loved. I don't know if i laughed that much in a movie at scenes that were supposed to be funny in a long time. One thing in the movie that creeps me out, Beauty Pagents for kids...some of these little girls seem so scary all dressed up like dolls. Trying to make a little girl replicate a female pagent woman is just creepy. Maybe it is just me, but having little girls in beauty pagents seems harmful to psyche of young girls.
That wasn't what the movie was about, but overall one of my favorite films this year.

Yesterday I saw Accepted and the Illusionist. Accepted was an ok, exactly as advertised movie. I liked the illusionist, but i think the fact that everything about the film makes you aware of the illusion, therefore sort of ruins the deception. It was very obvious, but i enjoyed the style used in the film, involving the editing and more technical aspects.

I spent a large portion of the day reading books at Barnes and Nobles. I read everything from graphic novels, to books on photography, photo editing photoshop design and screenwriting. I caught up on magazine reading and what not. I miss living in a city where all this is readily available.

I ate at a Japanese restaurantwhich got good reviews, but was exceptionally unspecial. I find the best asian restaurants on the mainland, are about as good as the most mediocre asian restaurant if not less than the ones in Hawaii. Shame really. Went out to Olive Garden with my friend Dotson. The food there is bland, i really don't care for it.

It wasn't a great trip food wise. Still movie theatres, a mall, a trip to Jamba Juice, and time to read up at Barnes and Nobles made it a worthwhile trip. Plus I got two nights of uninterrupted sleep.


Yafro Moblog