a writer
Well, I've been doing well these past few days. I've been working a lot and not letting things from previous weeks bother me too much.

I was happy because i got a front page cover story in the local paper. Been a while since that has happened.

I've just been seeing a lot of my lame stories about training in various news publications. I've been writing a long time and a lot of my stories are so repitious it is not funny, granted I write something every week, it doesn't always get picked up. But if it did, I think you'd see that my stories are all the same and it is like insert different name and event here ...and viola...you have this weeks stories.

I'd like to be more creative, but I really am limited to what I can write about. I pretty much can never take an opposing view to what the military is doing. There have been some real informative stories i wanted to write, but on the same end I can't really put too much information as to the operation or method to the training sometimes, because of operational security. I don't want to be helping the enemy train against what our Soldiers are working on. A lot of things make Grant a dull writer. It's like being given a standard set of ingredients and being asked to make different things with the same ingredients. You can make a few things, but eventually you are going to need other things which you just don't have to make that dish.

That's is the way it is though.

Still, sometimes it is weird to think that I've written all these stories, that have gone in real papers, with real people reading it. It's different with blogging. There is likely to be some english major reading my stories scoffing at the way i've butchered the english language...or at least i could imagine that happening.


Yafro Moblog