Diarrhea Ugh Ugh.
Diarrhea Ugh Ugh.
Diarrhea Ugh Ugh.

When you know you've got the squirts and you know it really hurts.
Diarrhea Ugh Ugh.

Sure a few of you might recognize that little gem from Parenthood with Steve Martin.

That is how my day is going so far.... took too many laxatives, drank no liquids for 12 hours and all to try to make tape and weight for the army. On top of running for 15 min on a treadmill last night and spending 45 minutes in a Sauna...surprised i am not dehydrated yet. Worst part....it didn't work....feeling like shit for nothing...Love the army. It sucks they only measure your waist and neck and I have a small neck in order for me to pass this damn thing with the neck size i have i have to have a near perfect waist and be rail thin which i have never been...god if I don't leave the army with a eating disorder I will be surprised...god this is making me depressed...I 'm going to go eat myself into oblivion...hehe nah just kidding... i am not too upset, just feel crappy cause my stomach feels like it wants to kill me...good thing, cause if i was upset i might feel like eating but seeing how i feel awful i won't be eating for a while. I am drinking a lot of water now to try to get me rehydrated.

Talk about silly...last night I slept with Saran wrap and hydrocortisone underneath wrapped around me. I heard it tightens up your skin..the hydrocortisone and i heard the saran wrap causes you to sweat.

Obviously this has been weighing on my mind...no pun intended and i am trying everything. I was doing crunches all month and not sure its helping.

I need to make my neck bigger, but I have been hesitant to do that...i just don't want a big neck.

Sure I'd love to be taller...i was even thinking...maybe I should go real drastic and get that procedure where they cut your bone and stretch your legs to make you taller...2 inches of height would make this all a non issue...

After looking at all i've written...obviously this is bothering me a lot more than i want to admit...

i'll stop here...

I am going to lay down for a while.


Yafro Moblog