want to be a piece of driftwood

These last few months i feel like i've been aimlessly drifting. In all honesty i don't feel very happy these last few months.

I can't stand my roommate...i think i'm on the last nerve with him.

It takes a lot to get there.

He was blasting Pink Floyd's "The Wall" at 12:30 last night...and i like floyd but not when i am trying to sleep so i can get up at 5:45 in the morning. And then his alarm was going off at 4:30 this morning and he wouldn't turn it off.

Anyways he is just an annoyance...i think i've gotten to that point where peoples jokes and sense of humor has just lost it their overall appeal with me. I miss meeting new an interesting people.

There aren't too many people to meet.

Overall though I want to travel right now...i feel this need to move and to go somewhere...far away from here.

I was watching the travel channel and i found myself getting depressed...why? Cause I want to be there. I feel almost stuck here...and though the military has given me a whole array of new experiences, i guess I crave more... I need more.


Yafro Moblog