40 yr old virgin
Well today was a good day...I wrote an article in an hour, took pictures, and messed around a bit, all towards a good cause.

My Sgt. looks like Steve Carrel from 40 year old Virgin. He's actually 43, so we joke with him that he's the 40 year old virgin.

My friend and I got him the actual DVD since he didn't see the movie and I snapped my Sgt.'s pic and altered the cover for the movie poster to look like it does below. It was a lot harder than I expected it to be, but once I have my mind set on a gag, there is no stopping me. I actually had to reconstruct his neck from the texture of skin... I was never properly taught photoshop so sometimes I wonder if there is an easier tool other than the clone tool which I used for most of it to make this.

I am the worst when it comes to doing something silly I am so committed... don't ever get on my prank list... just ask one of my ex girlfriends...she got something quite interesting for Valentines Day...I made her laugh and that is actually the most important thing.


Actual Poster:


My finished product:


Yafro Moblog