internet is finally back and so am i
Finally, I got my internet back up in my room after a month long of getting connected through computer labs with crappy filters.

It's good being back at Fort Polk. I am happy to be sleeping in my own bed.

I am really looking forward to going home. It's hard because I can't seem to go a day or hour without thinking about it.

I bought my ticket already because I really couldn't wait any longer for the army to make my leave official. The major i work for said he'll get me a waiver if they don't give us leave and i am not on any important tasks.. I spent $1,000 on it. Had I waited longer I might have had to spend more which I just didn't want to do. I will be flying out on the 23rd of Dec and returning 7th of Jan. So if all goes well I will be spending Christmas, New Years and my 27th Birthday at home..
That is a lot more alluring than last year when I spent all three occassion with only my roommate at Fort Polk. Talk about depressing.

That aside, I also caught myself thinking about my stepmom
My stepmother is going through hopefully her last Chemo treatment. It is supposed to be a real painful one too. I really hope this time it stays in remission and doesn't come back.

People should never forget to be greatful for the loved ones they have. I've lost a mother, and for a time I feared I'd lose another. I think often of my father too, partly because he has been such a big part of my life, but my losses have heightened my senses of what I have that remains that matter to me.

Well tomorrow I am supposed to try to qualify with a m-16. God I hate these things. I am not a bad shot, but I make this so much harder mentally, then it has to be.


Yafro Moblog