no internet still
Well it may seem as if I dropped off the internet landscape. In some ways I have. Not having internet service for the 2 weeks I have been back has been unbareable.

I have to drag my ass to this slow computer lab at the library.

Anyways, things have been pretty busy for me lately. A lot of dumb shit going on around me, but pretty much the same old shit really.

I went out on a lot of shoots this week. I am going back to Fort drum in NY on Monday.

I'll be there for another two weeks.

My leg looks like a squadron of mosquitos had a go at it. The fact is I couldn't imagine anywhere having more mosquitos than Hawaii and these Mosqutos here are big.

It's going to be cold up at drum, that is for sure. Well I was going to go to Houston this weekend, but all that got nixed when I couldn't get a rental car. There are no rental cars in this state, they said it's been like this since the hurricane. You think with gas prices less people would be going out to rent cars.

I ate at a Chinese Buffet today with some friends and ate way too much. The food was ok.

Well that is all right now.


Yafro Moblog