Stiuck in NY
Stuck in NY
Current mood: anxious

Well, life never gets dull for me lately. Still stuck at Fort Drum, NY. As of this morning we were going home tomorrow. Now I hear it is not until Wednesday.

Honestly I am in no rush to go back to Polk. I hear there is no power and the water is questionable. Oh and of course no food.

At least here I can charge things and have lights when I need them.

I wish I brought more DVD's.

So yeah didn't fly out Saturday or yesterday or today or tomorrow. The only annoying part is the are we going, aren't we dance, we seem to be playing.

I am feeling better overall. It is getting colder here and the remanants of the Rita are hitting us now.

Called home yesterday, and everything was cool. My grandmother fell a couple of weeks ago and is still feeling it's effects.

I think in some ways being single in the army is perhaps the best for me. I look at how stressed a lot of other people are and I honestly like not having that stress right now in my life, especially when I deploy.

I'd like to be with someone, but once I am out of the army. Which seems so far out


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