this entry is just bitching so move along if you don't want an earful
This is a bitching entry and not necessarily for enjoyment reading. Read at your own risk!

I got told that one of my stories might not get approved because it doesn't shed a positive enough spin on the army. My story was on heat injuries and how people in the army do fall victim to it, but why it is important to still be aware. My theme was that through misteps, people learn and that the mistakes people can walk away from provide greater understanding.

Of course even suggesting the army mis-steps seems very unpopular of an idea.

I've come to realize, and have become really disallusioned to all the lying that goes around here.

My main problem is that this lying just doesn't seem justified.

That has been a problem not only in regards to my story, but just my work situation in general.

Last week a person I considered a friend lied to me, I am not sure he even realized he did it. I notice he lies a lot in small ways and sometmes I wonder if he even realizes or cares.

They aren't big lies, but little ones. People don't realize, if you aren't the type that lies and you constantly have to lie for someone or go with someone elses lies, it affects me. I tend to look at it as little pebbles in a pond. Throw enough little pebbles it becomes a damn. People can do a lot of little things to undermine your own standards and the bar you set for yourself.

In my case it has really bugged me how much I feel I've had to compromise myself in that office. I feel completely let down by everyone there. My coworkers, the people above me, and myself for letting them all eventually get to me.

I'd say something right now, but they don't seem to give a damn, hehe that was an odd yet dumb connection to my analogy.

Plain and simple, the people there don't care and they are lazy. I'd say it to their faces, but I wouldn't want to hurt there feelings. PLus like I was saying, they don't seem to care anyways. But to be fair, a lot of people seem to be that way.

Everyone is of the school that if everything works out when it counts, it doesn't matter how lazy you are the rest of the time.

I think a lot of that has to do with difference of principles and upbringing.

I'd rather work hard just for my own principles.

Recently I have finally accepted that I don't like working with the people I work with, mostly because they don't have any standards.

It has frustrated me to no ends, and that frustration has really not gotten me anywhere. If anything, my frustrations have just been building over time.

I am not sure I have ever been this frustrated and unhappy. Working here wouldn't be so bad, if the people I worked with had some type of work ethic and standards and weren't of the mind to not give a shit.

The only time they seem to give a shit is when they have to put in a full days amount of work or they somehow feel personally wronged.

They have showed me time and time again, anything outside their bubble, they don't give a shit about.

So my new attitude towards that is, I am going to give back what I'm getting. And it is very evident that turning the mirror around isn't making them happy.

People never like it when you make them feel the way they make you feel.

People never take the time to wonder if their actions affect you.

People only want appologies when they feel they've been wrong, but how often do people stop and wonder, have I done something to wrong this person in the past.

People think you should let all the little things roll of your back, why because it doesn't bug them and they aren't affected

I am so very tired of the games people want to play.

I just am.


Yafro Moblog