Maria Full of Grace
I just watched this movie called "Maria Full Of Grace." Wow, it was a pretty powerful film.

I'd definetly recommend it. It's a very powerful and moving drama.

A lot of times I wish I could watch movies like that with someone.

Someone that can appretiate the meaning behind movies.

I'm enrolled in this school and I am almost complete with the process of getting financial assistance for the remaining 6 classes I have to take for my degree. Not bad. I am not sure how many classes I should try to take on. Right now I am thinking 2.

You would normally say no problem, but I am in the military and at times can get pretty busy.

I really want to finish up my degree at this point though, especially since I am so close.

Recently I have been thinking I would seriously like to try and go on a date, nothing too serious but I kind of want to put myself out there.

Unfortunetly I just don't see many opportunities out here. It really sucks that I am so picky in a sense when it comes to dating. It is not just about looks, I could look at a personality and just pick it apart, when it comes to dating them. I can be any girls friend, but dating them seems so much harder. And it is not like I am some super hunky that can be picky.

I don't think I will ever settle though.

It is funny recently people around me seem so fragile. It's hard to relate because I am in such a different place and sometimes it is hard for me to have sympathy for them. I just want to say to them, have more self respect for yourself. Don't let all the shit get to you, you are so much stronger than that and you know it.

It's not my place and I know it. I just wish people would look in the mirror and see it.

It is sometimes hard for me to imagine other people having confidence issues. Not that I am the pillar of confidence. I am by no means that, but I often look at people and think of people as totally together and no worries. And yet it surprises me when I find out that they are so emotionally fragile.

Well it's getting late. Goodnight.


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