Ahh, the good old days...
It seems like everytime i turn to MTV on the channel dial it seems like one of those Simpson sisters is on. The should change MTV to SimpsonTV.

I really miss MTV when it had less reality programming.

Ah, the good old days.

Well feeling a bit better. Yesterday I was suffering from cramps in both my calves.

I have been drinking more water and trying to make sure I don't get any more cramps today.

It is kind of funny because i look at myself and you'd think i was falling apart.

Truth is, I really push my body, probably far harder than really is within my bodies limits. Because of this I usually end up hurting myself.

Yesterday I ran 4 miles, played basketball twice in the day. Probably for 3 hours worth, so yeah I was a little sore, and probably dehydrated.

I was able to recover from all this better when I was younger.


Yafro Moblog