oh crap it's Monday
Well I am feeling better. My outlook on things seems to always turn around and I tend to fall away from my disgruntled feelings.

It comes and goes.

I still hate being stuck here but some days are better than others.

I have a "Suicide Prevention" course to attend today. Not just me but the whole company.

How about this.
Step #1 Stop Fucking with me.

Step #2 Take away the power of the drill sgt.'s and commanders who are harassing me.

Step #3: Common sense never hurt anyone so use some.

Step #4 Stop fucking with me.

If the army would do that then I would never get depressed or upset and I'd be happy while serving my country.

It shouldn't have to take death or dismemberment to get treated right.

Well all that aside, well I have seen a lot of movies and what not since I last wrote.

This weekend aside the weekends earlier I saw 15 movies in October.

Yeah a lot.

I really enjoyed Garden State, Sky Captain was interesting but I wish Angelina was in more of the movie.

Shaun of the Dead was a riot.

THere are a whole slew of other movies I just can't remember.

I got the new Duran Duran Cd. I really like it. I was quite surprised at how much I liked it.

I also got the Stills which are really good.

I really miss home and hope I can get back someday.


Yafro Moblog