I didn't realize how much i missed this. I think that it was good to take a break and come back to my diary.

Though i didn't intend for it to be a break, I think it helped make me want to write in here again.

Writing in here makes me think of my old life, and oddly enough I kind of miss it. The military life has sort of exited its honeymoon phase.

Well I felt pretty sluggish today.

Started off the day waking up at 4:30am like I always do. Made my bed and got ready for PT at 4:50am

At breakfast at 6 and had a formation then i mopped and buffed a hallway and now for the rest of the day I will go back and forth between the computer room and TV room and probably get pulled to lift something or clean something inbetween.

That is my day pretty much. I'm not allowed to go to my room.

And this has been my day for the 2nd week in a row and it will be my days till...who knows? Really i'm serious.

That is why I'm upset. I'm trapped in this kind of limbo and really I don't have to be.

It could be worse. The barracks could be in Iraq.

I saw something hilarious. There is now some kind of reality show where they make people live in this tiny house not even big enough for little people.

You see that these people over time get pretty annoyed about there environment.

It looks hilarious. I am simply amazed at what new ideas that these creators for these shows come up with.


Yafro Moblog