0.5 over
What a morning it has been. I'm on the verge of having months of waiting and planning going down the drain.

If I get discharged it will be devastating and a blow to all the waiting and all the actions taken to get here. Months of waiting and preparation will all be for nothing. Read my earlier entry if you don't know what i'm talking about.

I got my appointment for this body wrap thing. Talk about getting desperate to lose a few pounds. The Sgt was telling me that I look like I'm in good and the same shape I was in earlier. So where is all this weight coming from? My waste doesn't look bigger. Where are these extra inches hiding? He was telling me how it sucks for shorter guys. It sucks that because I am this height I have this weight. It seems like I have to be practically in peak condition and form for my body to pass.

Talk about getting off to a rocky start.

I went out jogging just now and feel lighter already, haha. Just trying to keep my spirits up. When I realized the ramifications of all this I did get scared because I had not planned on getting discharged and this would really screw me over financially.

While jogging I was listening to my new Air CD which I just bought. Yes, I am buying CD's now. Anyways I was jogging and all the awful scenarios were running through my head as I ran past the beautiful Manoa scenary.

I have 26.5 body fat and need 26 at the most. My future hangs in the balance over a .5 factor.

We'll see how fast I can cut all that down. My future will depend on how much I can lose.


Yafro Moblog