THe ones I love and can not trust
My father is quite angry with me. I responded to his hostile email. I wasn't as hostile but I did say something to the effect that I wished for him to be more understanding and not pick at things. I tried to explain how I felt and how I felt we were different. He took it badly, which really doesn't surprise me. his feelings are apparently hurt my stepmother tells me. I simply responded to two emails criticizing me. SO I just respond that we are just different and sometimes I don't agree with him but I still love him. I asked for him to take that into account and try to give me so me understanding. Apparently it hurt his feelings that I think he isn't understanding. Now somehow I will end up apologizing for having those feelings because my father can't take the reality of my feelings

Sometimes I feel like I'm the adult and he's the child. He is always so willing to buy into the negative of what I am saying. He can't see I am only trying to tell him how I feel and let him know that he hurts me sometimes by also picking at me.

I don't know, I wish we were closer, but I don't think we will ever be. I am sorry to say I simply don't trust him with my feelings. I love him but I don't trust him with my emotions. Both my parents have helped shaped and teach me about things but both have hurt me. My life with them is about loving them but not trusting them too much, because their love always seem to include hurting me. They may have never intended it but they hurt me. My mother hurt me by living the life that left me motherless. My father loved me by caring so much but never accepting the flaws in me. He's always wanted the best but some things in me aren't for the changing.

He hurts me by denying me a voice and the validation of my words, because of his own pride. So if I tell him how I feel, somehow it never that I might have a point but to him the fact always remains that I am the cause of the misery and division. Unfortunetly I am not psyic, it'd at least be easier to fake appeasing him.

Don't get me wrong I love both of them. They just aren't healthy for me. I am learning from their mistakes.


Yafro Moblog