My Choice for 10 Best Comics of '03
This may be a little late but I thought I'd List my 10 Favorite comics this past year. Starting with....

#1 Thor- Yes you heard right, the Thunder God himself had in my opinion the best comic. It had the most consistent and interesting stories.

2. Batman- Why didn't Batman win #1? Well although I thought Jim Lee's run was by far the best run of any comic, it sort of leveled off after he left.

3. Exiles- Hey my diary is named after this comic book. It had a whole bunch of great stories and was great the whole run but it couldn't beat out Batman or Thor.

4. Uncanny X-men- The title really made a turn around this year. I enjoyed it.

5. Ultimate X-men- Another X-title that really got my interest this year. Decent story lines and great quality drawing.

6.Nightwing- This is such a great Bat-title that it's easy to overlook it, I just love how the stories all come together.

7. JLA- This title 2 years ago was number 3 or 4. I really don't like the drawing for this title. There were a few good story arcs here and there as well.

8. Aquaman- This titled started so strong but the story arc was too long and somewhere in the middle to the end I sort of lost interest. It wasted a lot of great story potential...( well great potential for a comic book)

9. New X-men- I used to hate this title, but it oddly has grown on me and cracked my top 10.

10. Spidergirl- I always liked this title. It's sort of a JV title but it always has some appeal to me.

The fall from grace....

*Green Lantern- Seemed to drop off into this lull this year, the titled seemed a bit aimless with spikes of interesting stories here and there. Problems started when Kyle Rayner "aka Greenlantern" left earth for space.

*Avengers- I like this titles but not good enough.

*JSA- Was a very iffy title in my book.

*Ironman- great drawings...no substance.

*Batgirl- Once one of my top 10...but the drawings having gotten silly and the stories have lost all their edge. Wasted series. I could think of so many good stories and a great direction to take this series. Instead it's turned into a comic about teen anx...in the batman world. It's lost it's teeth.

*Transformers- They started off great but perhaps it was all nostalgia. As it's been done in the past, the series is oversaturated with titles and it seems to be a rehash of old issues from the series.

*Power Co.- The series ended and rightfully so.


Yafro Moblog