Have you ever tried just searching for everything you could find about your friends or people you know online. Granted not everyone is online or has anything written about or by them but it is amazing what you can find about yourself and other online.

I tried combination of ways to search not only for myself but ways to find my diary.

Of course I knew what to look for and what key terms to use that might stick out. It really is amazing. People should try it. I then turned to people I knew just by typing names or interests i knew they had. Some were a complete wash and I found nothing but with a few I was able to find comments posted on various websites or forums that they had left. Some people I found in articles posted in a newspaper...mostly sport activity or theatre performance related. I found myself mentioned in play reviews printed in the newspaper that were online...stuff like that.

It's amazing how well some of these search engines work, and how what pops up for one doesn't pop up for the other.


Yafro Moblog