Pieces of April
I just finished watching Pieces of April. It was really good. It's funny I like a lot of movies, I don't not like a movie very often.

I really like movies that are set in New York. I liked the movie but it left me with a somewhat melancoly feeling. I wouldn't call my feeling depression, I just feel kind of sad but not in the depressed sad way. I noticed this happens to me sometimes. It can happen from watching a movie or listening to a song or reading something but sometimes afterwards I just feel sad. Nothing serious but I'm just kind of feel sad. I don't know.

Back to the movie... I really liked it. You know I've seen a lot of movies try to deal with "the holidays" and family hijinx... I thought this was one of the better movies to showcase this. A lot of movies have the bad habit of going over the top and this movie does teeter on that edge, but I thought the movie kept it real enough to pull it off. When it comes to family disfunction some movies go off on unbelievable tangents.

When I feel sad, I feel a need to listen to music that makes me more sad. It's odd, I just want to enhance that feeling sometimes. I feel this way every so often, but I started to think about my mother and I guess most times I am ok with it, but I miss her sometimes.

I sometimes wonder how differently I'd think of her if my memories of her didn't belong to a six year old boy. It's amazing though what a happy child I turned out to be... with my private momentary lapses of sadness. People get old and forget things... I can't imagine not being able to remember my mother and her death. It's not all there is to me but it's just something that is always there.

I can't imagine being older than I feel. I feel the same age as I've always have. I feel the same as I did at six. Sometimes it only seems like I just know more but am the same person.

On a non emotional topic... I shaved my head last week, not sure i mentioned it. I really like it. I love the feel of a shaved head. I had a mohawk for a moment and really liked it. Had I not still had my job that requires normal hair styles, I would have went with it. Something I will have to do once i have the freedom to. By the time that happens I'll be older...hehe I can be a grandpa with a mohawk.


Yafro Moblog