Concert at Anna Bannanas
Well before I get to my fabulous night out... the beginning of my day got off to a bumpy start.

Had a shoplifter this morning that we had to chase down the street. It seems whenever they call for all of us I am either in the very back or upstairs in the stock room. I have to always run from the farthest distance.

You might be wondering what he stole....well here it is...Old Spice. Who the hell shoplifts Old Spice? I ought to smack him up for shoplifting more so for stealing Old Spice. If you're going to shoplift a fragrance at least steal something better... I don't know. My coworker said that people try to sell it on the street. Would you buy Old Spice from someone who looks like he's homesless?

What's worse is when my coworker caught up to him and grabbed him and held him down, the guy shit his pants...literally! My coworker said he heard the guy let it all out.

It still really disturbs me for having to chase these shoplifters blocks on end for what...old spice. It can be an unflattering look into life Cops style. It sucks to realize that in life Cops is a reality, and more than some redneck reality tv show.

The guy later was saying he had Cancer and that was it was in his intestinal areas which is part of the reason that he lost control. Doesn't that make you feel more pity for the guy... he's got cancer and he's got bad taste in colons( I mean colognes)...ok that was a mean spirited comment. I don't know, I can understand how seeing this so much can desensitize a person. At least with TV and movies you know it's make believe, but when it really happens there is no fiction to hide behind, cause this is it.

Oh and I saw the Chyna (sp?) of Shemales. I am not sure this person was a shemale. It had huge shoulders and was wearing a womans bikini top which is definetly the most unflattering things I've seen on anyone in a while.

Ok on to my late night. I went to Anna Bananas and saw Linus Live along with other Hawaii alt rock bands Orokusaki, and Port Guyana. I met up with Dora and Butt crack boy who's got a I wanna be a alt rock star hair going. My friend James is the drummer in the band Port Guyana. They have a good sound. There lead singer is a girl who has a nice voice but has some definite voice projection and confidence issues. My years of theatre training at the very least has taught me all about the craft of using your voice. She was very pensive and that sort of made for a weak performance. She sang more from her head and didn't really use her diaphram. It had a very little girl trying to sing qulaity. I only wish she would have had more command of her voice. It's so cool when women on stage just own it, you know.

It's weird when you learn about things like voice projection it can bother you when people sing improperly. Head voice are good but if you are in rock I don't think it always work... you just lose the voice in all the music. The words all get drowned out and it makes the purpose of having vocals seem pointless.

Ok now that rant is over. The first band Orokusaki were good as well. They seemed like a very young band just starting out. Linus was awesome. You can see so much of a difference in the material Linus has and the other bands had. Not only that but the confidence and overall showmanship are so far apart. Linus seems like a band just ready for some real success. They have very good material and they seem to have their identity set. It's so cool cause you can hear their influences in their music. Their influences are bands I like as well.

It was nice seeing Dora and just talking and catching up on things. Dora and my other friend Capt K. are sort of having some problems. We talked a lot about that. You see Capt. K and Butt crack boy used to be best friends.

Dora is Butt Crack boys girlfriend. They've been going out for a while, but of course a girlfriend changes things betweens friends. What is worse Capt K has more than friendship feelings for Butt crack boy. They are best friends and Capt K. is bi and somewhere in their friendship Capt K has grown somewhat attached with butt crack boy. Butt crack boy is very much a rocker wannabe. Actually butt crack boy is this ultra conservative passive person who tries to pass off as a very indie too cool for school guy who's into everything. Well they all used to hang out together. What I think happened and what I gathered is Dora really wants nothing to do with the Captain. She felt the Captain was cramping on there relationship somewhat plus the Captain definetetly had issues because of his feelings for Butt crack boy. They'd all hang out and I think the Captain being the typical guy he is would say things that would offend Dora, perhaps out of some subconcious sense of resentment, while all this is in the guise of just trying to be funny and joking around.

Talk about a messed up triangle..haha. I am just glad that my life is nowhere near that complicated. If anything I only have to deal with my occasional work frustrations, or just moments of sadness for life in general.

I'm both of their friends and I more or less told them I would listen but stay out of things.

What amazes me most at these things is how hard a lot of people try to be cool or seem cool. It's funny when I got to these concerts everyone really seem to take this emo dressing, disel shoe wearing with that somewhat dishelved sleepy hair look with their black glasses. No offense to anyone who has that style but here it seems like such wannabe trendish thing. I just think the degree to which almost everyone has this look going, I guess I get kind of tired seeing such conformism to style. I sort of stood out in my staple Kakki shorts and always essential green lantern shirt while everyone was in their mellow brown and designer blue denimn jeans, and disel shoes and long sleepy hair. Me I have my shaved head going. I am not even original and I feel like I stand out as something different

We are all too style obsessed. Well I shouldn't complain I guess. If that is who they are and they are comfortable I guess that is all that matters. My style is kind of redundant. I have the largest collection of Kakki shorts I think with some comic book theme t-shirt, preferably black and I got a couple of New Balance running shoes. I love New balance cause it is the most comfortable shoes that don't hurt my flat feet. Yeah I got flat feet and have no arch in my foot. So some shoes really hurt my feet and I can have a hard time running if I don't have the propper shoes.

Ok well I guess I have said a lot at this point. I'm going to bed, it's 1:13 am and I am getting tired after a long day. Got to work early too!


Yafro Moblog