500th and A New Year
Wow this is my 500th Entry. And what better way to break 500 than to type about all the self centered material pertaining to my life, and talk about me and me and me.

No all kidding aside, it's been, i'm not really sure what to write as a description of my year. I have been unable to think of a really good year long restrospective. The main thing is I took my first break from school and still have it unfinished. Whether I do finish my college education as I have told myself I guess will be answered down the road.

I found love, and a real romantic relationship this year. It was the closest to an adult relationship I've ever had and lost. I guess there were a lot of big changes for me this year. The events this year did affect me greatly however I seemed to overcome the overall undersireable outcome better than I would have in the past. THis year sort of ended on a down note however in years past when that would happen I'd get really depressed. THis year was the year of not feeling much or perhaps choosing not to feel anymore.

Well that was kind of a downer.

This next year is a major year of change and unchartered territory. I leave for basic training in the army in March and leave my life here as it has been behind. It was a drastic choice but I am hoping this unchartered choice gets me out of this post adolescent rut i've been unable to get out of. Hopefully the different path with lead to some renewed direction and energy in my life. I'm hoping change will bring something better into my life. I wouldn't take back this year but I wouldn't want to live it over again.


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