Top 23
Well I am feeling better. I really do have to find a way to take better care of myself.

I went back to work, oh my hell, I don't know if I can make it a month and a half more.

I go out tomorrow to celebrate Stacy's birthday once I finish work. I was thinking that what kind of surprises me, I still put effort into seemingly listless friendships, I guess deep down I'm just a sucker for deadend friendships.

There was a show on MTV i think, it was the Top 23 Albums, what a crock really. I love Alanis but how did Jagged Little Pill land #1 best Album. Granted I believe it deserves a spot as one of the 23 but not as #1. Missing from the list, at least one of the Beatles Album, uh Madonna hits have been spread out but maybe she could have been considered. What about Thriller, Michael Jackson anyone. Ah, Whitney Houston and the Body Guard Soundtrack??? Smashing Pumpkins: Melancoly and Infinite Sadness? There are so many great albums. I'm sure I even missed a few

Sometimes I think those things are so lame, in the end time erases your number one spot, with more present day hits, no matter if they are really better or not. You know what they should make, Top 23 Crappiest Album.

You could put names like Yanni, or Michael Bolton, Vanilla Ice, I don't know, it'd be easier to do that i think.


Yafro Moblog