War ? What War?
Well watching the TV, you would never guess that people are still in Iraq dying and that we are still entrenched in war. Geez, you thought Kobe's Rape trial was a zoo wait till Michael Jackson child molestation trial hits the media airwaves. I turned on the TV and on every channel that even reports news, there was stuff about Michael Jackson being charged and currently at large.

So which story will the American people be glued to? People might say: War in Iraq..."eh it is so last year." Or maybe the Paris Hilton Sex Tapes... "eh that was so last minute." No there is going to be a coverage blitz on Michael Jackson. THere are going to be media spin that he's a victim who is misrepresented and on the otherside there are going to be the Bill O'Reily's who have the Cross warmed up and ready to crucify.

Honestly though, my only thing I can say is I don't know anything about this situation, and I think all those media moguls should stop all the speculation and prejudgements. Last time I checked they weren't the judge, and all those involved in the investigation.

You know what would be the ultimate reality TV show. You can make the real world: "Infamous" It can go like this ," This is a true story of 7 infamous strangers chosen to live in a bubble. To find out what happens when they go splat all over the media circuit and when things get real, Real World: Infamous.

People that I'd put in this house: Michael Jackson, OJ, Monica Lewinsky, George W., Tanya Harding, Liza Minnelli, and Anna Nicole Smith. Wouldn't that be CRAZY! I could see GW constantly trying to hook up with Anna and Monica. I could see OJ making Michael his fare skinned Bitch. Plus you encapsulate the thing that is reality TV.

The world we live in....crazy!


Yafro Moblog