Answers to the Exiles Quiz
Well I guess you can say it's Wednesday.

So far 2 people that I know of took my silly little quiz. Thanks Deepblue 3 and neshachan .

So without further ado the answers:

1. Q: What is Grant's Diaryland username stand for or in relations to?

A:Exiles refers to one of my top 3 favorite comics. It is a Marvel title called Exiles. It's a story of displaced members of X-men, some from our own reality and others from other realities put together as a team to change or fix things in different realities. It's sort like a group X-men meets Quantum Leap, sort of story. I really enjoy and I like the word Exiles because it also describes how I feel sometimes in life.


Q: What are the fictional character names that Grant has for his Testicles?

A:Lefty and Mighty Righty are the names i gave my testicular characters.

3. Name something Grant has embarrasingly masturbated to?

A: Well there are so many to choose from but I wrote in my diary among many things Chun Li from Street Fighter and a few other thing in this classic entry 5 most embarrasing things I must admit I have masturbated to.

4. What is Grant's favorite comic book?

A: Tied between Batman and Exiles followed closely by Aquaman, Greenlantern and Thor.

5. Name one of the movies Grant saw this week?

A: Hollywood Ending, Solaris, and Matrix Revolutions

6. What was Grant last Halloween 2002?

A: The Joker

7. What is Grant's ex roomates name?

A: Stacy

8. Complete this name: Big Memember ....?

A: Jesus

9. Name a female celebrity Grant has mentioned being enamored with?

A: Shannyn Sossamon, Rachael Leigh Cook, and probably a few more, hehe, Chun Li, well not anymore, this was back when I was younger. That's my defense and I am sticking to it.

10. Name 3 shows Grant watches that he likes?

A: Joe Schmo Show, I love the 80's and I Love the 80's Strikes Back, 24, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Boy meets boy, Queer as Folk ( a lot Queer shows huh?... go figure) Will & Grace, Joe Millionaire, Sex in the City, Star Trek shows, and you know what this list is getting to long, I haven't even mentioned old shows and cartoons I watch... too much tv in the end. I am amazed I don't weigh 400 lbs from all the TV I watch, you'd think I don't do anything but watch all this TV.

Bonus Question:

Who is Grant's favorite Diarylander on his Favorite List?

A: Trick Question really. All the people on my fav list are my favorites, why else would they be on a list that says favorites.

Well that concludes my lame diaryland publicity stunt i guess. So how well did you do? Actually Deepblue3 did quite well, her answers got her a 8 out of 10. Although she was the first person to sign my guestbook and has been around since Exiles conception. This diary has been quite an experience really. I am going to miss it when I go off for basic training. I didn't think of it until it kind of got pointed out to me while watcing I love the 80's Strikes back, but, this diary often makes me feel like the ending of Doogie Howser MD, where Doogie would type in his diary the things he learned that day. How lame that was I used to think, and here i am doing that exact thing I used to think was lame, funny huh...

But I prefer to think of myself as Carrie Bradshaw typing away on her computer, it seems less dorkey that way. Although in that scenario i'd have no winky but two other fun bags to play with... hmm... oh well this has been kind of fun for me in some weird way. You spend so much time typing in this thing we call diaryland, it's actually fun for me to look back onto what has been going on in this here noggin of mine.

Well there it is .


Yafro Moblog