Quiz-How well do you know your exiles
If anyone is interested and wants to take this short quiz you can play along. And if you have time, make your own one and I'll take it. I was thinking I would make a quiz based on my diary. I'd have 10 questions either about me or something I've written in my diary. You don't have to send me your answers but you can. I will post the answers on sometime on Wednesday or after. If you decide to take it and have time let me know how well you do. I'll go on the honor system. Try and see how many you can answer without looking through my diary although if you have to, go right ahead =)


1. What is Grant's Diaryland username stand for or in relations to?

2. What are the fictional character names that Grant has for his Testicles?

3. Name something Grant has embarrasingly masturbated to?

4. What is Grant's favorite comic book?

5. Name one of the movies Grant saw this week?

6. What was Grant last Halloween 2002?

7. What is Grant's ex roomates name?

8. Complete this name: Big Memember ....?

9. Name a female celebrity Grant has mentioned being enamored with?

10. Name 3 shows Grant watches that he likes?

Bonus Question:

Who is Grant's favorite Diarylander on his Favorite List?

Like I said, you don't have to take this but I thought it'd be fun to see what people actually know about me and if you don't know the answers that ok, I won't get hurt. And hey if you make one of your own I'll take it.


Yafro Moblog