Only four days on my new job, I got canned. Can you believe it? I sure can't. Talk about harsh world.

There are quotas that have to be met as they say. As a volunteer sollicitor, I was supposed to get 2 voulunteers every 2 hours and make 20 calls an hour. If we are unable to get the business people to volunteer there time we need to see if we can get them to donate either money or a door prize.

What sucks is that the donations don't count towards your quotas. I got a few volunteers my second day. I really didn't get a chance on the first day to do much.

The last 2 days I wasn't able to get any volunteers in 4 hours. Today I made 65 calls and struck out. I got 14 donation today and one donation of a door prize instead.

It sucks because it was only my first week. Jeez, give me at least a full week before giving up on me. Talk about cutthroat.

Life really seems to have taken a turn for the worst for me.

I am actually quite depressed about loosing this worthless job. You know slowly I feel like I am being stripped of any happiness that remains in my life.

What more can I say.


Yafro Moblog