Sore Throat
I have been trying to rid myself of this sore throat since Thursday. I have found twice already some blood in my spit. Once on Friday and this morning. I don't know though it's hard to tell if it is a variation of the orange cough spray I've been spraying in my mouth or what. It looks like blood.

I know I should see a Dr. I am not sick, meaning I don't have a temperature or any fever like symtoms. I have no more fatigue than normal. I wondering if I can try and see if I could make it to Tuesday.

My grandma always told me, don't suck so hard when you give head, or else you might bet a bloody throat. Ok well she didn't really say that or convey any sentiment of the sort.

My humor is slowly returning.

Last night was fun. I showed them Donnie Darko. I have shown a couple of people that movie. I have watched it with a few other people and each time I see it I think I get a better understanding or see a few new things. They brought over pizza which was really thoughtful since I am so broke.

I am having a hard time swallowing.


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