Mixed Emotions
I am taking the first steps out of exile. I decided to give anyone I ever hung out with and see if anyone was free. I came up with one small group that I hung with for a while. I thought they were evading my previous invitations to go out. I was wrong.

They have been fighting to struggle as I have but in different ways. My friends family are a sickly bunch and she has been taking care of them. And with a rash of car accidents between Kristy and her BF Chris, I figure perhaps I should me more thankful for life, even if it doesn't look so hot right now. They are going to come over, and they're bringing Pizza. We might watch a movie.

My feelings about Viva are still all over the place. Everywhere from anger to missing her. I guess I am angry at how easily she tossed my love away for her. I am angry at how selfish she can be. I am angry that she isn't very good at seeing how her actions affect others. I do miss her company though, and her defiance. In all relationships there are the good and the bad.

Not sure what else to say right now.

I miss some of my fellow diarylanders. I believe a few of them are away right now. I do enjoy reading what little or big things they say. It's always a nice diversion.


Yafro Moblog