More from the peanut gallery
It's been a long time since I felt like writing 3 entries in one day.

I was wondering what about the past had me happy. I liked my freedom and i really liked my space. It was cramped but everything was in reach. I had complete control over my life. It was my transition period between my new and old life. I felt very alive and creative. I felt a great deal even depression but my feelings were very strong.

I loved how I could gather info online. I loved Kazaa and the access it allowed me. Honestly I think file sharing have made people so much more aware of more varieties of music. I listen to way more music now than I ever did. I wouldn't have ever listened to Supergrass or Sondre Lerche, Tanyan Donelley, and a whole lot more if I had not had access to listen to their music. What the crusty Senator doesn't realize is the overal impact music has made in some peoples lives because of this. Now we have to look over our shoulders hoping we don't get slapped with $150,000 lawsuit. Seriously any of you who have download a song or 2, could you afford to pay $150 big ones I know I can't. It would essentially be running me under. It's not like my parents have an extra $150 G's lying around. Plus file sharing is very active among younger people. It's the adults or people who didn't grow up amidst this who I think miss the mass effect File Sharing has had on not only music but the younger generation.

Can you say that File sharing hasn't slightly affected your music collection or tastes. The part I love about the lawsuit scare is that even younger peons that file share who are underage and minors will not get the lawsuit but it will be the parents who pay. I wonder how it will affect even younger file sharers who sort of grew up with the ability of file sharing.

I only came across it half way into my life and I can see the change it's made in my life.

I am also wondering on a completely different subject, is Diaryland a gathering place for young people. I don't meet too many middle age or older characters here. THere are a few but no many.


Yafro Moblog