The Scary Me
I am going to post an email to a fellow Diarylander who i have been exchanging tidbits of info about Heman and She-ra. After you read this you will either be amazed or scared. Perhaps this is just the dorky boy in me. So her it is:

Actually they mentioned that He man and She-ra were twins in every opening credits to She ra and the mentioned it on the show every so often when they'd interact. THe whole origins thing of what happened was explained in the pilot episode of She-ra. Basically is you wanted to know: She-ra or aka Princess Adora was kidnapped from Eternia to the Etheria by this evil lord named Hardac (sp?). Skeletor was originally second banna until Hardac left Eternia with Adora to Etheria. He raised her as his own. Hardac hid Adora true origins and Adora was one of his leading hench persons. She was then known as Force Captain Adora. She was made to believe she was in law enforcement but she really maintained the status cuo of oppression. THat was until The Sorceres revealed to Adam that he had a twin sister who was kidnapped. Of course once Adam hears this he want to find her. Before he goes to Etheria the sorcerous gives him another magic sword which is meant for Adora. When Adam arrives in Etheria, he quickly finds the need to change into he man. He runs into some of Hardacs foot soldiers. Basically to skip ahead some he runs into Adora and though he doesn't realize it at first, it is his twin sister. He man eventually gets imprisoned and put in this machine that drains people of their strength. Of course He man is the strongest man in the universe so he has a lot which makes him very attractive to hardac. Eventually while in captivity and greatly weakened He man convinces Adora that Hardac is evil and that he is her twin brother. With some help from the sorceres and her new sword she becomes She-ra.

Eventually they defeat Hardac together. But Adora only goes back to visist Eternia but tells her folks sorry I can't stay cause they need me on Etheria. So she goes back. But every so ofted the show crossed over into each other.

That is basically the story and only further truth of what a big dork I am. I honestly remember all those things about the show and thats not the only one. I remember almost every show I watched as a child to that great detail. I often wonder if I knew world history as well I might be a great historian of sorts. I think I have a great memory the only thing is that it chooses to be focused in certain areas.

The thing I loved about the two shows was how much of a clone they were of one another.

I tried watching some of the new episodes of He man. I don't like the changes and I don't like all the voices they use. THe animation is very good and different which is good and bad. I love the original though. Things I hate about the new He man: Cringer and battle cat don't speak. I loved Cringer, he was the funniest chararcter, moreso than Orco. I mean come on I loved that the only two Green with yellow pin stripe tigers that could speak were never seen together and no one put together that they were one in the same. That is my biggest gripe. And recently I saw an episode where it was revealed that Tela was the daughter of the Sorceres and that she wasn't Man-at arms biological daughter. I didn't quite like that either.

Well that is all for now. You might either be wowed or scared by my vast knowledge on totally useless information.

Back to my journal:

Now after reading that aren't you freaked out that I honestly remember all that about an 80's cartoon. My ability to recall details sometimes scares me. Unfortunetly it is of something totally useless like the info above. Ask me about Thundercats, Transformers, Tranzor Z, Star Blazers, Gi Joe, Voltron, and who knows what else and I can give you many great info tidbits.

Info I could apply this knowledge for good it'd be a totally cool gift.


Yafro Moblog