Aaah! I have the worst rash on my neck right now that is just getting worse and worse. My neck looks like a battlefield. It's so bad I am inclined to see the Dr. about it.

Love life is the same right now. Still madly head over heels over a certain girl. She still isn't ready but obviously affected by me.

Family life looking more and more bleak. I may loose my entire family. I lost my mother to drugs. I may loose my father and stepmother by telling the truth of how they have made me feel over the years. How the manner in which they deal with me makes me feel worthless.

And i have this feeling that my old life and new one don't mesh and I want to scream and I don't know if I want to let go of all that I am for who I could change into.

Life is in definite transition right now.


Yafro Moblog