So this is the second part of my previous two part entry. If this is the first you're hearing of this go back an entry and start from there.

Complicated I know...

Now back to the topic. With things going oh so poorly in my life...why am I not feeling uuber depressed.

Well the fact that I am not too broken up over things actually brought me a little comfort.

I have been trying to let laughter at things help me.

For example, the whole Lenny Kravitz and other celebs finding a new form of Jeans fashion by wearing girls jeans really got me going. Those little pockets on a manly ass, now that's funny.

On this VH1 show, they actually had the guy who I mentioned 2 entries earlier, try on girls Jeans, that certain female celebs wore. So this guy would wear the style penelope cruz, or JLo, or some other hot woman would wear. And let me just say the jeans should only be worn by Penelope, JLo, and the other girls, and not by a big bubble butt black man.

Second I started laughing to myself cause... they finally realized there were no real men's shampoos. While there is the steadfast "Head and shoulders"... now there is "Suave for Men". Cause by adding for Men, it won't make you feel immasculated to have a shampoo that doesn't smell like 'Jock Itch' While the guys you know are skimming off your herbal essence shampoo, or other nice smelling botanical shampoos, they can now have a shampoo to call their own. No more making excuses while standing the checkout lines that they are buying that sweet smelling botanical freshness for there significant others, but really for themselves, cause it says it's for men. Those two words make all the difference between being a Unic (sp?) or a Certified Prime Grade of Man.

I'll be the first to admit, I love girly smelling sweet botanical shampoos and I like other girly things but it's me, and I know I am still a man despite the fact that I can buy my shampoo and know I am ok with it saying Herbal Essence without the for men part. Although it's nice to see that other men will finally be allowed to have nice smelling hair without the baggage.

So this has nothing to do with the last entry you might say. Truth is, I don't know what's going on with me. All I know is laughing at things is helping me some.

With everything that is going on in my life. I know I will never be bored. Perhaps I can laugh about it one day.

I started to think, if I ever was on one of those shows like Dawson's Creek or Beverly Hills 90210, where every guy has slept with every girl on the show, it'd be a mistake to have me on there cause I probably would take that a step further and just sleep with everyone on that show. I could bring a whole new meaning to slut. Of course I'm not really like that, but I could be.


Yafro Moblog