My Dad said that my life isn't going well, because of the shit going on in my head. He is right that most of my stagnation in life has been self inflicted. I don't seem to move forward because of myself.

I have been avoiding my major story which is due tomorrow. I don't want to finish the darn thing. I hate when I avoid an ideal I was so passionate about.

On a side note, it's a weird thing but I find Missy Elliot strangely attractive.

It's weird, there are people I have found on Diaryland that have ended their own diaries. Don't worry I am not thinking of hanging it up just yet. This isn't a criticism really but I often sense people hold back in their diaries. I don't tell people I know about my diary and I decided this would be just my forum to say anything. I really don't censor myself.

I used to think if I was ever to go under any circumstance I don't mind that the people I love get to see this, because it is and was me at whatever time in my life. Perhaps we can't always share everything in our lives. There should be a moment you can be honest.

I do think that perhaps I should protect my identity more. I have a photo page on this diary which I will take down soon. The page will still exist but my diary won't have the link. If people who read my diary who I deem as people that I don't know want to ever see any photos, they can write me and I would give them link to the site. I won't use different names or anything silly like that.

Well I should get to my paper. It's due tomorrow, ahh!!!


Yafro Moblog