Good Friday My Ass
Fuck, my car battery died again. It's been only a week and my car battery died again. I'm sure it isn't the battery. It's probably my alternator which broke before. I had this problem 3 years ago. Aahhh! Now I have to call my dad for help which kind of sucks since we still aren't really talking. Perhaps I can tie this tragedy into some sort of easter theme. My battery died for the sins of man. It will rise again on Sunday...ha!

Aside from that. Before my car problems I went and bought some comics. The one thing to brighten my day. It's been a lazy day.

I couldn't believe while I was watching TV that David Hasselhoff was playing agent Nick Fury. Anyone who is familiar with this marvel character might definetly scoff, as I did.

While driving has anyone ever had a moment where as they are driving and they begin to wonder if it is possible they are in a state of delusion. Well what I mean is, say the road is perfectly clear; has anyone ever feared there were cars actually there which you are unable to percieve for some reason. And do you fear the in moments...bam, your dead. I don't know I have this odd inkling that, that might happen to me one day. Don't mind me I'm in a weird mood. Well I am dreading the call but I guess I am going to have to do it.

I will leave you with some funny easter themed pics.


Yafro Moblog