Tearing up my childhood
I went out with Stacy, Zack and Scott. In an atempt to reconnect with people I called them up and asked them if they wanted to go to the beach. We drove around the island today.

I spent the day looking out at the scenary. It was nice. I think I may need to make new friends. It isn't the same anymore.

To my surprise during the drive, I found my elementary school doing some major construction. I went to this Catholic Elementary called "Star of the Sea". They are tearing up the large playing field that I used to play on as a child. There were so many memories on that field and now to see them do massive digging up of that field made me really sad today.

I wrote an entry last night for myself. I was feeling so blue last night and wanted to write something to myself.

Other than that, not much going on this weekend.

Oh We all watched the Jesus Video, sort of as a joke but for some reason we watched the whole thing. I thought the funniest things about it is that there were a lot of important things missing or glossed over. For example the statement by Jesus when he asks God, why he has forsaken him. And Jesus crown of thorns are missing. There were so many things like that in the movie. It was kind of funny. I made jokes that they took some artistic liscense and edited out certain things out of the Jesus Movie.


Yafro Moblog