Dream Catcher
What a motherfucking great movie experience. I am going to just say this, see Dream Catcher it is the shit. Secondly if you can go into it without any knowledge about the movie, even better. I went out with Christy, Chris and Ray.

We started by going to the car show which was filled with cars I'd never be able to own. THere were some really nice cars on hand. THe Ferari Spyder Moderna are beautiful. Got to also see that gas guzling hummers. Looking at all the people there looking at cars they most likely never own said volumes to me about people.

Back to the movie. It was a spur of the moment thing. I didn't even have an itch to see this movie. We sort of chose it radomly based on what was available at the time. It was awesome not knowing stuff about what the movie was even about or even any expectation as to where the plot may lead. It was a great movie experience for me. I personally liked the film. I won't make any specific ref so someone else might have the opportunity to get a glimpse to what I am saying.

I've decided that this one time I will extend my final entry deadline from 200 to 225. So it is final... my final entry will be my 225th.

Well it is late and I need some sleep so I can make it to work. I am 2 more days away from no more Longs for at least 5 days. I have had to work from this past Sunday to Monday of this week. I only had this Wednesday off. I am a litttle burned out.


Yafro Moblog