Stacy surprised me and contacted me to see how I was doing since I didn't really contact them in a while. Perhaps I'm attention hog and need it all or nothing. I know at least if I impose self exile then I have control. I don't get hurt.

My life seems more like my self empossed diaryland username. I feel I've exiled myself away from my friends and I have taken a stand against my father.

I hate that I have been feeling so whinney lately. On bright notes I can accidents waiting to happen when I am home. When I open my windows I can hear cars breaking suddenly and almost hitting each other. The roads are dangerous. We all drive too fast. I thought I heard something, an accident of some sort but I heard it out of my dream state so I figured I was still dreaming and went back to sleep.

Turns out that there was no power when I awoke. Perhaps there was an accident? My alarm didn't go off and I missed class.

I thought I'd update my crazy files at work. We have to keep our eyes out for this guy who's been banned from the library. His name is Elmer Fong. He is banned for glueing covers onto library books. And also for adding his own books to the collection and adding his own call numbers to the items. At first the name Elmer I thought was joke but his name is really Elmer.

I've been coming across a lot more shemales lately. I hate to be judgemental or over critical but they are some really ugly and very unfeminine Shemales. I can't say I've ever had a compulsion to cross dress and be a woman. I've only wondered about being a woman in the " woman for a day" kind of way so I can touch my boobies all day, hehe!

Not much happened since I missed my class. I did go to work and came across this really annoying guy who finds a need to make a comment on everything. Sometimes it's not a bad thing to just shut up so the pointless meeting can convene.


Yafro Moblog