Diaryland Hiatus- In transition
Well due to my moving soon, I will be drastically cutting my Diaryland usage for at least a month. I am sure some of you wouldn't mind a break from my diary. So this is what's happening. I am moving next week to my new home. That is going to be fun. I disconnected my phone or had it disconnect and with it my DSL will be going in a few days. When I move to my new place, I will be getting cable and Roadrunner cable modem services as well. Unfortunetly I have to wait until Feburary 27 for them to hook it up, so I won't have home Internet till March. I won't do a complete blackout but I figure there might be only a few updates during that time. I need to focus on my fiction writing class, cause I have a few ideas I'd like to write. On the horizon, I think I might go see a play called Darkweed, this weekend. I may end up going myself because Stacy and I are still not great after the wedding fiasco, where Ithoughr I was invited but they played it as if I wasn't invited and when I asked about it I got no answer. So I don't know where our friendship is now. I know I have been talking a lot about not having friends lately and the truth is I really don't and it is something really weighing heavily on my heart these days. I can't help but let it bring me down sometimes. It is a struggle everyone goes through but it doesn't make it any easier. So intransition I won't have the normal TV access or internet access, along with no friends, ha! Well what am I to do, play with Lefty and Mighty Righty, I will. Hehe! Nah I guess I will unpack and settup myself and write and do school and work and continue this huge ass run-on sentence forever and ever and ever and ever. Anyways this isn't goodbye just talk to you all later. Talk to you later Diary.

Yafro Moblog