Movie Night
Well I was so tired last night from all the movies I have been watching. So far DVD weekend-night has been awesome. I have seen some great films. I decided I would comment on what I have seen so far. There are no films that I thought were bad. I skipped out on work today. I was tired and I needed to start packing for the move, and I just needed some time alone. That is funny cause It seems most of my time is alone. Kristy called me to say hi. She is the only friend I have who actually calls me. It sucks that we don't have more in common. She is a good friend and I am at least aware I have one. It's funny, while I played hookey from work I went and ran errands. I went to Ala Moana and paid my Car Registration $132.00 bucks. After I went and got Lunch-Dinner at the food court. After I finished eating, I looked up and I was sitting right in front of a store that said "True Friends", I am not kidding. I started laughing. I have been thinking a lot about this lately and it floored me that I was even subconciously finding these signs. Anyways it was a pet shop, if you were wondering, what they were selling.

Back to movie night. My first 2 films were Gay themed movie. Sinclair Library, where I work is the most awesome place. Imagine a collection full of different films... all for free, and no limit on what you can borrow. There are different forms of media.. from DVD's to VHS, Laserdisc, CD, records, you name it. So the first Movie I watched was "L.I.E" It was very good. The movie's plot surprised me, just when it looked like a typical child molestation and blackmail movie, it had interesting characters. It's funny cause in the end the child molestor didn't molest the boy. The boy was amazing, his character was amazing. He touched the Molestor in a way that fulfilled him, so that he didn't defer to his bad vices. The boy didn't cure him, but he seemed to show him something that made him listen to his conscience. I won't give away the plot, suffice to say I thought it's characters were interesting, as were the themes, and how they were dealt. I liked how the movie portrayed the molestor, as a well liked and well adapted person. I do believe that people never know what other people are capable of, and it is a false sense of security that get's us hurt. The boy was interesting because he was very intelligent and saw things so clearly. And even though he was so insightful, even he was blinded by his own emotions and to life. I wouldn't call this a coming of age story as so many of these movies are labeled. It simply spoke to human nature.

The other "gay" themed film I watched was called "Nico and Dani" In Spain it is titled "Krampack" Now this film was labeled as A coming of Age film, in line with Roseux Savage "Wild Reeds," another interesting French coming of age gay movie, and one of my favorites, a movie that takes place in England but is based on a play called, "Beautiful Thing." This movie was interesting, not overwhelmingly great, but a fun rent. It is about this odd friendship between 2 boys who went to Elementary school together. The movie is Spanish so with anyone foreign film there are cultural differences in interpretation on things. Anyways this ,movie also is based on a play. The movie takes place on a coast city during a summer, where the two friends are reunited. Basically the two boys have this "Jerk each other off" thing going on. They are at that "Coming of Age", age and so what was simply a favor to one anoher as "friends" starts getting complicated. One of the boy is full on Gay and is falling for his friend. The other is a Virgin who is trying to get laid by a girl. Conflict arises, hehe, and well they come to an impass about what their friendship is. I won't reveal what happens unless someone writes me asking me. Anyways the only scene that disturbed me, was when the two boys were trying to seduce these two girls, who were there to sleep with them possibly, and they drugged their drinks. One girl didn't seem affected and they were fooling around. However the gay boy's girlfriend was getting dizzy. The two leave the room and he proceeds to have sex with her after she passes out. I am not sure if he "came" or if he stopped out of regret but it only lasted 10 seconds. Talk about sad! The film didn't even deal with this. It sort of just happened in 10 seconds and never was discussed. It was odd.

The third film was the Wedding Party" with Cate Blanchet, Frances O'Connor "aka the mother from AI" and Richard Roxburgh " from Moulin Rouge." It was a very sad film about love and marraige. It deals with Richard Roxburgh's character who is now in his 30's and about to get married to Kate Blanchett. During the wedding party he thinks back to his great love and serious girlfriend in his 20's. The two relationships were very different. His early relationship had passion but was very irratic. His current relationship is very stable. It basically is a movie about settling for stability and not knowing what you had until it's gone. It was pretty depressing. Roxburgh's character says in a letter to someone " Ask me in another 10 years if I am happy now, I should know by then"

Afterwards I watched ,"Amadeus" a film based on the life of Mozart. I am not incredibly familiar with Mozart's life so I couldn't tell you how historically accurate the film is. The film was AMAZING!!! I love F. Murray Abrham "from Finding Forester fame." He always plays delicious villans. I loved his character and I loved the fact that the story was told my by the Villan's point of view. I loved the fact that the only person that truly understood Mozart was Abrham's character. I loved how Abrham's character in his own way tried to take on God for the injustice he felt was done to him. It was nice mix of suffering and villany.

The final movie in this review is. "Lisa Picard is Famous." This movie was a riot, anyone who is into Hollywood making fun of themselves, this si the film to see. This is a fake documentary on a woman "Lisa Picard" who the filmmaker belives is on the verge of fame and stardom. There are mucho cameo's by many famous people as themselves. It is super funny, I was laughing my ass off in my little studio. It's sort of has the tone of "Best In Show." Anyways it is pretty funny and also highly recomended.

The remaining films are "Floundering," "The Man Who Cried," "Guinevere" and "Donnie Darko." I have been thinking, if I had so many people taking up my time, I wouldn't be able to see all these great movies. However I do realize that living life is better than watching it. I can recognize the important things but the question still remains, how will I act when I am the lead in the movie of my life.


Yafro Moblog