I felt so ill towards the end of the day. I have this awful headache that still is permeating my head. I was at work and I was feeling so bad. Some coworkers of mine went to this bar afterwards to see this band Linus play at Bedrocks. They were pretty good. I had a couple of Smirnoff's which I normally don't drink but I needed something to dull my headache. It actually worked to dull my headache. Since I drank it on an empty stomach it really dulled my senses a bit. I was still in control and able to walk a straight line. But running a obstacle course would be difficult. Luckily I didn't have to drive home. I was out with Vicky and some other coworkers. So now I am tired and still got a fricking headache the size of Texas. Last night I got the worst headache and it is still here the next day. Perhaps a few more Smirnoffs will help. I haven't masturbated in a couple of days. Perhaps that's it, hehe. Oh, a funny thing, I played a few games at Bedrocks, one of them had Chun-li, and those big brown legs. How does anyone top the last entry. I will leave it at that for now.

Yafro Moblog