Biopoloarism Rearing It's Ugly Head
Not sure what happened but I was feeling dead for a while there and suddenly I feel alive again. Not sure what has triggered it but I feel like I have energy again. I was feeling so tired the last couple of days and I rested and I feel so much better. I'm even writing again, in my journal and it doesn't feel like it's for nothing. My creative energies are back and my headache is gone. Not sure maybe I am a biopolar, maybe not, maybe I was just tired and now I have had some time to recharge and I feel better. Who knows what it is. I'm listening to some Radiohead, which I haven't listened to a while. The Bends and OK computer is their best work but they are different so it is hard to choose. I connect more with the Bends but I must admit OK, is their best composition. I have music done by this Symphony that plays instumental compositions of OK computer songs and it is really amazing. They are my favorite of all time. Second follows just because of my personal connection is Natalie Merchant and Ivy. Ivy is just the most catchy artist I have ever heard. Music is affecting me again and it tells me I have some feeling of being better now. Well I have to go to work in a little bit, not sure I should go, I feel slightly sick but I don't emotionally feel that way. My body has felt as if it is battling something, perhaps just my mental state, who knows.

Yafro Moblog