Crimes Against The Little Miss
I thought I'd include more poetry, perhaps something a little more upbeat than the last one. Here is a little Sistina (Sp?) I wrote for Stacy in 2000. I wrote this for her, to cheer her up, just to make her laugh. For people not familiar with a Sistina, there is a pattern. I had Stacy choose six words which I have to use at the end of each line, with the exception of the last stanza where there is a specific placement. There is a pattern which is kind of complicated to explain, suffice it to say the words at the end of each line have to be there in an order. The words are (Light, Vagina, Patient,dildo,criminal, and large) An example is large, I use it at the end of the First Stanza and the beginning of the next Stanza. Oh Stanza's are double space. Also you can use different forms of the words, which I did and probably stretched it a bit, but it's all for fun. I had a hard time displaying this on Diaryland cause the margins are way smaller and cuts off some of the lines and goes to the next so I used a space to represent the start of the next line. Hope this isn't too confusing. Anyways this one is called "Crimes Against the Little Miss"

Under the glare of the light

the doctor examines Stacy's Vagina

Stacy who is a patient

of Dr. Grant, has come to him because a dildo

was plunged into her, by a criminal

at large.



due to high amounts of light

a description of the criminal

was not possible, even though he was close enough to smell her Vagina

and stick a dildo

in her. There was nothing she could do but wait patiently.



is a virtue at large

with her in this time of horror. The Dildo

assaulter could not be taken lightly

for there was a world of Vaginas

in the line of fire from this criminal.


Because of this criminal,

Stacy needed to undergo numerous STD tests which was wearing thin on her patience

and wearing thin on her Vagina.

Stacy could see the large

bill all these tests were going to rack up. But, Dr.Grant's fine bedside manner helped lighten

the blow of the actions, taken by the infamous dildoer.


After this incident, Stacy could no longer bear to look upon another dildo.

This criminal

stole the one light

in her life. It was the only thing that provided her pleasure, during a lifetime of patiently

waiting for a large

man to please her Vagina.


As far as Vaginas

go, her personal dildo

was the only thing big enough to fill her large

gaping hole. Now she could no longer bare it's sight, which was not only a crime

to her, but also to a future lover who might not be quite up to par. So now she sat patiently,

in the light.


She began wondering if her Vagina will ever be the same after the ghastly crimal

stuck that dildo where the light

don't shine and created a large

problem. Poor Dr. Grant, I am sure after me he could not wait for his next patient.

The End


Yafro Moblog