Smells like Puke
Oh yes, it was another glorious day at work, yeah right. Yes more tales from work this holiday season. What were you all expecting, lately my life is only work. Let's see I have no girlfriend to speak of, not sure that girl at work counts as a prospect. I am just going to let that one go, not rule it out completely as impossible, but obviously, there isn't anything and well if something happens down the road than that's fine. So since I am mostly working this holiday season I thought I'd report what happened. Let's see, I ended up mopping up radomly throughout the day 4 times. The first time was my personal favorite. I came to find someone had puked on the floor and didn't bother to tell anyone, a puke and run. Now, I understand that this happens, but I really wish people could at least own up to it, and at least be aware that most people are incredibly unobservant and can walk and track puke all over the store. Thus I saw a few people walk in it before I could get to them. And made the mess worse. So yes I got the pleasure of finding it and cleaning it up. Afterwards I swear I kept smelling the puke on me, somehow the odor had attached to my smock and clothes. I changed my smock only to find it very strongly attached to my shirt. I febreezed myself only to find that smell permanently stuck until I got home to change and shower. I believe that it was a child since it was all liquids. It made me feel a bit ill. And the other mop ups were people spilling stuff on our floors. I have found myself constantly cleaning up after people. Some people are very apologetic, and seem like there afraid I might stone them, others are demanding as if you're doing them a favor for cleaning up a mess they made. Me I just want people to say sorry once and that is fine cause accidents happen. I just hate it when people act like jerks. I was trying to help everyone else out cause I pretty much had my section under control. Once Christmas ends I usually spend most of my times helping other people out in the store. I usually then become the wherever I'm needed clerk. I work primarily in school supplies and toys and Halloween. Halloween I was alone since the full timer was on maternity leave and I pretty much handled 3/4's of the Christmas season alone with my section. I had to devote more time to setting up and refilling my section this year since I am the only worker that knows what to do and most of everyone is busy in there own sections. I really hate my section but I have become much better at it. It's funny because I am the first person they have hired that can even work with the old parttimer toy clerk. She is a hard person to work with, though most feel she's mellowed. She isn't so bad and I am pretty good dealing with people. Customers are harders sometimes cause you can get people coming all over the place at you. I mostly get upset when I have 3 people asking me for something or to get something and more people come and snap at you cause you can't help them now. THe fact they don't even consider that there might be 3 other people ahead of them and I am human and can only deal with so much at a time. I go in order of the request as they say. If they decide to make a snippy remark cause I can't help them I really want to stop and give them a piece of my mind. Today wasn't too bad, it was still busy but there were periods at least today where it slowed down. Slowed down, meaning I only got a question every 2 or 3 minutes instead of every minute and I could actually fill stuff up. I realize I have been kind of non smiley lately at work. I go into other stores and see people the same way and I understand, I realize how the holidays can beat down the workers and I hope everyone else does, whenever they go to a store, they know that there are real people working trying to cope with all these people and there demands. I go into stores even if I have to wait in long lines I try to make whoever helps me know that it's cool and I understand and that it's cool. I have found though that are simply some things pissing me off this holiday season. People who stop in the middle of the eisles and don't move when you try to get by even after and excuse me. They stop as if they own the eisle and that it doesn't matter that they could go to one side and allow others to pass. The other thing that forever bothers me is picking from the bottom of the pyramid. Why People!!! I make a display of Joy, people pull all the Joy from the bottom row. People the more you pull from the bottom, the more unstable the whole display becomes. There is nothing wrong with the top Joy, just take the one on the top. That goes for any item, pick from the top, not the bottom. People always do that even while I am filling. It blows my mind and I know one day I'll snap and take my blade and there neck and give them an indepth lessons to why we don't pull from the bottom, kidding I won't lose it that bad, I may one day give someone a lecture, probably when I can't take it anymore and am ok with getting fired or cited. I have been trying to keep my spirits up by talking to my coworkers. I just like people to be polite and not give me any attitude but haha who am I kidding, like that will happen. I know that this isn't a good place for me to be and that it eats a bit of me away each day. I've seen things, I may have never seen in this job. In the end It pays the bills which need paying. I sustatin my life and my lifestyle completely and that doesn't happen by hoping. I haven't finished school and trying to do that too, so I look at it this way; I am free and in the things that matter I am happy and I am moving forward not as fast as I like but, it is all me so most of me is happy. I know I can take care of myself. As far as love and friendship goes, I want love but not sure where it'd go in my life right now. As far as friends, I do what I can to make sure I see and meet people. I do my best to work and build and make sure I have some semblance of a social life and interaction. I need to focus on my stories. I keep saying that, but it's true I do. They have potential but I need to work on them cause I am not that talented that they will come out right the first time. I feel the word that might describe me is potential. I need to move from there. People at the store always tell me I should write a story that revolves around my work. I find the hardest thing is to write fictional stories based on my life. I often fall in love with these out of there, and far fetched tales. Real life seems so blah and mundane to write aboutm but perhaps I am overlooking things. Well that's something to think about.

Yafro Moblog