Two Towers
Yes Like Many out there I too went to see Lord of the Rings. I must say I was quite happy with this movie. I have seen a dwindling in movie magic as I like to call it but Two Towers has renewed my faith that some good can still be made. I enjoyed it even more than the first film. The first one was more about settup and establishing the plot. I felt this movie did a excellent job of just getting right back in it and building on the first. I went out with Stacy and Zach. We all had a great time. The movie was pretty long and the seats did get a little uncomfortable after a while but the screen and sound were great. I rushed to work afterwards which I am starting to regret. I am really tired of having to work all the time. I truly need to get back on track on working on my stories. Hopefully one will save me from this hell I call my situation. Anyways thats all I have for today. Right now it is so humid and hot. AHH!!! Haven't finished Christmas shopping yet.

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