Well I had to work last night, not that much fun, on my bum ankle, definetly not fun. I wore my old Hightop Air Jordans. I wore them only cause they had annkle support which my work shoes didn't have. I forgot why I don't wear shoes like that, they hurt my feet. My arches, well I have no arches, I have flat feet. It hurts because those shoes try to impose arch support where no arch exists, so it just hurts over time. My room or studio looks like a hurricane ran through it. I've been feeling cluttered kind of like my mind. I often feel the way my room looks is how I'm feeling right now. I bought some gifts last night. I bought some gifts for my neice and nephews and for something for Stacy and Zack. Last year I bought Stacy this ring from Sedona's. It was something she was looking at when we were there. I went back and bought it. It was a hundred something, and it probably was the wrong thing to do, to buy her something so expensive. I don't know why I did it. I relationship was deterioating at that point. I got her and Zack something that has multiple games in them. They like to read to each other and play games and I figured it's a nice a simple thoughtful gift. Something they can have fun with together. My body is hurting a lot, and it makes me feel older. Why does our bodies have to be so fragile. I've been really thinking about my upcoming birthday, I turn 24. Sure 24 makes for a great TV show title but for me that seems so old. Part of me really doesn't want to leave behind 23, 22,21, and so on. The funny thing is I feel the same as I did when I was 5, 6, and 7. I just know more stuff. Well perhaps I shouldn't think about it, it's not till next month. Dream wise I had some real vivid dreams. I had a dream I was leading a pack of people against these cockaroach like creatures that attacked us in swarms. They basically acted like spiders and as they crawled all over us they tried to tie us up. The people they captured they'd bite and turn them into these cannibals that tried to eat the rest of us. I was bothered when I woke up. The weather lately has been heavenly. I love to feeling of the cold. It is truly a christmas feeling. It is why I look forward to Winter here, it's not extreme but very nice. Not sure what else to write but maybe I'll write more later. Perhaps I'll write another 100 things you'll hate about me sometime this month.

Yafro Moblog