13 hours
I worked my two jobs 13 hours!!! Yikes!!! Some times I don't know how I manage to work and go to school. I started work at 8 and went to 3. And I worked 5-10. I have two jobs one is at the library, it is so easy my left or right nut could do it, in fact I have let them stand in for me periodically. MY other job is what takes it out of me. The 5 hours of work I did probably equals the amount I worked the last 2 weeks at the library. Tomorrow is only school and it is nice to have a night off from work. I will being going away for Thansgiving to the outer islands. I'll be going to Molokai, for thanksgiving and a few days after with my family. We've gone there for the last 4 or 5 thanksgiving. I sort of wish I were going elsewhere. The island is so country and remote. It is nice, but I have to go internet dead for 4 days!!! What will I do. Plus I really loose all my freedom for those 4 days and become a kid again. Well what a boring entry, my life has sort of hit a stand still.

Yafro Moblog