Babbling from Right Nut
Hi I'm Might Righty, Grant's other nut. i thought it wouldn't be complete without Grant's other nut.

So anyways last night was quite enjoyable. We went out with some friends to see Harry Potter. I really couldn't see the movie, being in Grant's pants, but it sure sounded good. Vicky is a huge Potter fan or as we like to call them Potheads. Sure that name is probably not that original but it suffices for now. Anyhow the movie sounded good and Grant told me he enjoyed the movie. He said it was better than the first one. Afterwards all the girls left us, which was funny and the 5 guys went to this place called Brew Moon and had drinks and some side dishes. Grant had a MardiGras Daquiri, and I didn't drink cause I had to be the one to drive Grant's drunk ass home. Yes, Right Nuts can drive but I have to admit I can't see the road. Actually Grant told me last night that all the guys agreed that the previews before Harry Potter were the worst they had ever seen and they all cringed at the possible movie future.


Yafro Moblog