Tales from my left nut
Hi I'm Grant's Left nut. Grant will be away for a while so I, left nut, you can call me lefty will be filling in temporarily for Grant. I'm sure you'll enjoy my leftist perspective on things. I have known Grant all my life well for 23 years now. We're pretty much inseperable. The only person that could tear us apart would be our ex girlfriend Lurana B., but we stay away from her. Her and kitchen ware are pretty much things we avoid. I have a twin bother mighty righty. As of right now we're not on speaking terms, about the only thing keeping us together is Grant. Even though we both live in the same apartment we don't speak to each other. But as father always said two rights don't make up a ???... something. I never understood what the old man was saying anyways. I always thought of myself as the creative nut. Hey did you know Grant was left handed. I am lefty too. I figured that is why we get along so well, I can really relate to Grant's creative side. Us lefty's got to stick together. On my free time I like to finger paint and do some body art. Sometimes we invite Farrah Faucet's left boob over and do those impressionist body art she is notorious for. I am not like other nuts, Grant has always made me feel different. It used to bug me that he wouldn't scratch me like the other boys would. I could have an itch, If I wanted to, I could! It's just that I am different, and don't itch. I wish Grant would just grab and hold me sometimes like the other boys do to their balls, ahh, that would be so nice. I used to think I was unattractive to Grant but I realized he doesn't hold Righty either, so I don't feel so bad. As the creative nut in the family I do my best to keep a strong grip on the arts and I try to caress my creative side as much as possible. I nurture my creative side and do my best to develop and maintian a firm handle on things. Well I have no choice, Grant is dragging me to bed now. It gets so cold sometimes, Grant is weird and likes to sleep without any coverings. He is always making sure I have something clinging to me and providing support. I often wonder what it be like to live in supportless world, full of freedom and silk yellow smiley faces. Well goodnight World. This is Grant's Left nut signing off!


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