Disturbing Dream
I had a disturbing dream last night that I was in a play, but had stopped going to rehearsals and didn't even have my lines memorized. Then suddenly I remembered that I was in the play. So I went back to rehearsals and I felt really bad cause I had not been to rehearsals. I was sort of wondering why no one came to look for me to see why I hadn't come to rehearsals. It sort of relates to my life right now when I really think about it. I sort of have been missing a lot of classes. I'm not sure if I am burnt out from school. I am already in year 5 going on to 6. It's sad I know. It doesn't help only going part time and inching there like a worm to the finish. If I could get back on track and be a full time student and not work over 40 hours I might be able to finish, but hence that is the price to pay for once independance. I have to work tonight and am not looking forward to it but as always I need to earn the dough to pay the bills. Oh I downloaded a phantom planet music video and did you know their drumer is Jason Swartzman, the guy who starred in Rushmore. That is a pretty cool thing. They really are great, and quickly becoming one of my favorites, on the same line with Guster, another really great band. It is nice to see Rock or alt rock or whatever coming back from that long Pop Stint. I admit I have my pop vices but I more or less was so tired of Backstreet Boyz and Britney Aguileira. They are the reasons I no longer listen to radio. I go out and find my music by not listening to radio and since I have no cable I no longer watch MTV or VH1 so I pretty much find my music online or read articles and I check out peoples interest on Diaryland and give people's taste a try. It is harder but I find so much good music out there that radio refuses to acknowledge. Well there is nothing else to say right now. Bye!

Yafro Moblog