purple suit fiasco
My search for a purple suit continues. I'm not sure the bleach and dye of my costume last year is going to work. The bleech was really messy and didn't bleech it all the way and I wasn't sure if I should keep it in too long, otherwise I might come back and find I have no pants. And then I tried dying over which didn't really come out as I was invisioning. So I decided I will make one final search for a men's purple suit and pants that can fit or at least come close to fitting. Or else just do something where the joker is wearing a costume himself. Oh and I have to get another hair dye cause this green I tried last night really sucks and luckily it is not permanent so I just washed it out. I really like my hair color now but it has to be green for my costume. Oh i was supposed to have a couple of days off from work at least 1 of my jobs I was supposed to have 4 days but they asked me to come in more and the other one I was supposed to at least have a few free nights. Now I am working and I am so tired I have been working consecutive days almost for 2 weeks and plus I have school. I am so burnt out. My grades are slipping and I don't have the energy to keep up. Plus I am fooling around and messing up my social life. Something has to give and first it is my quest for a social life and probably something probably will follow.

Yafro Moblog